Temple Baptist Church started in 1950 with just 24 people in a furniture store in Downtown Perris. In 1953, these faithful believers saw the fruition of several years of prayer and sacrifice when they built their first church building in its current location on Perris Boulevard. Over the course of the almost 70-year history of TBC, God has allowed us to build several buildings and continue faithfully preaching the gospel to the Perris Valley. By His grace, we are looking forward to another 70 years of being a church in this community that exists to joyfully glorify God as a gospel-centered community focused on making disciples and seeking the welfare of our city, and world.
We exist to joyfully glorify God, as a gospel-centered community. We are focused on making disciples, and seeking the welfare of our city and world.
We desire for the City of Perris and its residents to be radically changed by the gospel. We make disciples, and equip believers to live lives fully committed to the Lord and service to Him.